Master II livello in “Chirurgia Digestiva Oncologica”
Policlinico A. Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Dottorato di Ricerca in “Tecnologie Biomediche In Medicina Clinica"
Università di Roma “Sapienza”
Specializzazione in “Chirurgia Generale” 70/70 e Lode
Policlinico Umberto I, Università di Roma “Sapienza”
Specializzazione in “Biochimica Clinica” 70/70 e Lode
Policlinico Tor Vergata, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Laurea in “Medicina e Chirurgia” 110/110 e Lode
Università di Roma “Sapienza”
Laurea in “Scienze Biologiche” 110/110 e Lode
Università di Roma “Sapienza”
Minimalliy invasive technique for the repair of diastasis recti (miSAR)
IRCAD Strasbourg, France
Visiting Surgeon
Department of Surgery, section Endocrine Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center, Prof. J. Lee, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York City
ATLS COURSE of the American College of Surgeons
Policlinico A. Gemelli, Roma
Controllo Vascolare Avanzato nelle Emorragie Toraco-Addominali Maggiori. Cadaver Lab - XII Edizione.
Centro di Biotecnologie dell’AORN Cardarelli, Napoli
“Premio SIUEC” per miglior pubblicazione scientifica “A possible role for selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) and thioredoxin reductases (TrxR1) in thyroid cancer: our experience in thyroid surgery”
S.I.U.E.C. Società Italiana Unitaria di Endocrino Chirurgia
Corso di Alta Formazione in “Pedagogia e Didattica Medica”
Università di Roma “Sapienza”
Corso di formazione in Endocrinochirurgia
Scuola di Riferimento Nazionale in Endocrinochirurgia, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma
Mini Invasive Endocrine Surgery Course
(AIMS Academy), Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda, Milano
Master I livello in “Chirurgia della Parete Addominale”
Scuola Italiana di Chirurgia dell’Ernia e della Parete Addominale, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma
Diploma Nazionale di “Ecografia Clinica” S.I.U.M.B.
S.I.U.M.B., Policlinico Umberto I, Roma
Free Radical Summer School, ”Lipid peroxidation and free radical signaling: role in pathophysiology”.
Society For Free Radical Research, (Spetses - Grecia)
Master in “Medicina Estetica”
Istituto di Alta Formazione, Roma
Da Settembre 2021
Dirigente Medico I livello
Chirurgo (Chirurgia Generale e d’Urgenza)
Ospedale dei Castelli, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale
Aprile 2020 - Agosto 2021
Dirigente Medico I livello
Chirurgo (Chirurgia Generale e d’Urgenza)
Ospedale di Anzio, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale e d’Urgenza
Luglio 2017 - Febbraio 2020
Chirurgo (Chirurgia Endocrina)
Policlinico Umberto I, Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche
Dicembre 2017 – Gennaio 2020
Chirurgo (Chirurgia Generale e d’Urgenza)
Policlinico Sant’Anna, Dipartimento di Chirurgia Generale e d’Urgenza, Pomezia
Giugno 2012 – Giugno 2017
Specializzando in Chirurgia Generale
Ospedale M.G. Vannini, Roma; New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York; Ospedale San Giovanni Addolorata, Roma; Policlinico Umberto I, Roma;
Maggio 2008 - Maggio 2012
Ricercatore (vincitore di selezione pubblica Ricercatore III livello professionale, G.U. - IV –serie speciale– n.101 del 21.12.2007)
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Neuroscienze
Progetto di Ricerca ISS-NIH: ”Peripheral blood determinants of redox changes in human respiratory disease: biochemical and pathophysiological evaluation”
Settembre 2006 – Settembre 2007
Ricercatore (vincitore di Borsa di studio)
Policlinico Umberto I, Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiovascolari e Respiratorie
Progetto di Ricerca finanziato dall’Ateneo 2005: “Meccanismi di progressione della placca ateromatosa: ruolo dell’atorvastatina come modulatore dei processi infiammatori e di adesione cellulare”, responsabile scientifico prof. Luciano Agati
Settembre 2005 – Settembre 2006
Ricercatore ( vincitore di selezione pubblica)
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Neuroscienze
Progetto di Ricerca ISS-NIH: ”Peripheral blood determinants of redox changes in human respiratory disease: biochemical and pathophysiological evaluation”
Settembre 2003 – Agosto 2005
Ricercatore ( vincitore di selezione pubblica)
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Neuroscienze
Progetto di Ricerca: “Cell signal transduction mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative pathologies”
Gennaio 2003 – Dicembre 2006
Specializzando in Biochimica Clinica
Policlinico Tor Vergata, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Ottobre 2001 – Ottobre 2003
Dottorando in “Farmacologia”
Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Farmacologia
Journal of Cancer and Metastasis Treatment
E' stato responsabile dell'attività didattica integrativa nei corsi “Preclinical Scientific Methods (II)” II anno, II semestre e “Clinical scientific methods (V)” III anno, I semestre del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia “F” in lingua inglese, International Medical School, “Sapienza”, Università di Roma
1. GRANI G, CERA G, CONZO G, DEL GATTO V, DI GIOIA CRT, MARANGHI M, LUCIA P, CANTISANI V, METERE A, MELCARNE R, BORCEA MC, SCORZIELLO C, MENDITTO R, SUMMA M, BIFFONI M, DURANTE C, GIACOMELLI L. Preoperative Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Suspected Familial Non-Medullary Thyroid Cancer: Are We Able to Predict Multifocality and Extrathyroidal Extension? J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 13;10(22):5277. doi: 10.3390/jcm10225277.
2. BELLINI MI, BIFFONI M, PATRONE R, BORCEA MC, COSTANZO ML, GARRITANO T, MELCARNE R, MENDITTO R, METERE A, SCORZIELLO C, SUMMA M, VENTRONE L, D'ANDREA V, GIACOMELLI L. Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: Single Centre Experience and Review of the Literature. J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 12;10(22):5258. doi: 10.3390/jcm10225258.
3. METERE A, BIANCUCCI A, NATILI A, INTINI G, GRAVES CE. PTH after Thyroidectomy as a Predictor of Post-Operative Hypocalcemia. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Sep 21;11(9):1733. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11091733.
4. METERE A, GRAVES CE, PIETRAFORTE D, CASELLA G. The Effect of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Oxidative Stress in Obesity. Biomedicines. 2020 Jun 19;8(6). doi: 10.3390/biomedicines8060168.
Metabolomic Reprogramming Detected by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy in Human Thyroid Cancer Tissues. Biology (Basel). 2020 May 27;9(6):E112. doi:10.3390/biology9060112.
6. METERE A, FABIANI E, LONARDO MT, GIANNOTTI D, PACE D, GIACOMELLI L. Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Long-Term Outcomes: Early and Late Complications. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Apr 8;56(4):166. doi: 10.3390/medicina56040166
7. METERE A, GRAVES CE. Factors Influencing Epigenetic Mechanisms: Is There A Role for Bariatric Surgery? High-Throughput 2020, 9(1), 6.
8. LONARDO MT, FREZZOTTI F, COLLALTI M, NATILI A, METERE A. Spontaneous transdiaphragmatic intercostal hernia: clinical consideration and management. G. Chir. 2020 Gen-Feb; 41(1):99-102
9. METERE A, ACETI V, GIACOMELLI L. The surgical management of locally advanced well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma: changes over the years according to the AJCC 8th edition Cancer Staging Manual. Thyroid Res. 2019 Oct 27;12:10. doi: 10.1186/s13044-019-0071-3. eCollection 2019. Review.
10. ULISSE S, TUCCILLI C, SORRENTI S, ANTONELLI A, FALLAHI P, D'ARMIENTO E, CATANIA A, TARTAGLIA F, AMABILE MI, GIACOMELLI L, METERE A, CORNACCHINI N, PIRONI D, CARBOTTA G, VERGINE M, MONTI M, BALDINI E. PD-1 Ligand Expression in Epithelial Thyroid Cancers: Potential Clinical Implications. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Mar 20;20(6). pii: E1405. doi: 10.3390/ijms20061405. Review.
11. DI SEGNI M, DE SOCCIO V, CANTISANI V, BONITO G, RUBINI A, DI SEGNI G, LAMORTE S, MAGRI V, DE VITO C, MIGLIARA G, BARTOLOTTA TV, METERE A, GIACOMELLI L, DE FELICE C, D'AMBROSIO F. Automated classification of focal breast lesions according to S-detect: validation and role as a clinical and teaching tool. J Ultrasound. 2018 Jun;21(2):105-118. doi: 10.1007/s40477-018-0297-2. Epub 2018 Apr 21.
12. METERE A, DE GIACOMO T, VERGINE M, BIFFONI M, GIACOMELLI L. Diagnosis and management of a mediastinal ectopic thyroid laying on the right bronchus: case report and review of literature. BMC Surg. 2018 Apr 4;18(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s12893-018-0354-y.
13. METERE A, FREZZOTTI F, GRAVES CE, VERGINE M, DE LUCA A, PIETRAFORTE D, GIACOMELLI L. A possible role for selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) and thioredoxin reductases (TrxR1) in thyroid 2 cancer: our experience in thyroid surgery. Cancer Cell Int. 2018 Jan 15;18:7. doi: 10.1186/s12935-018-0504-4. eCollection 2018.
14. METERE A, GIACOMELLI L. Absorption, metabolism and protective role of fruits and vegetables polyphenols against gastric cancer. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2017 Dec;21(24):5850-5858. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201712_14034.
15. Giannotti D, Casella G, Patrizi G, Di Rocco G, Castagneto-Gissey L, Metere A, Bernieri MG, Vestri AR, Redler A. Spider surgical system versus multiport laparoscopic surgery: performance comparison on a surgical simulator. BMC Surg. 2015 May 3;15:54. doi: 10.1186/s12893-015-0038-9.
16. SPINELLI FR, DI FRANCO M, METERE A, CONTI F, IANNUCCELLI C, AGATI L, VALESINI G. Decrease of Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine After Anti-TNF Therapy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Drug Dev Res. 2014 Nov;75 Suppl 1:S67-9. doi: 10.1002/ddr.21200.
17. GUARINO S, DI COSIMO C, CHIESA C, METERE A, DI BELLA V, FILIPPINI A, GIACOMELLI L. (2014). Perioperative care in elderly patients undergoing thyroid surgery. Int J Surg. 2014 Aug 23. pii: S1743-9191(14)00859-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2014.08.375.
18. SPINELLI FR, METERE A, BARBATI C, PIERDOMINICI M, IANNUCCELLI C, LUCCHINO B, CICIARELLO F, AGATI L, VALESINI G, DI FRANCO M. (2013). Effect of Therapeutic Inhibition of TNF on Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:537539. doi: 10.1155/2013/537539.
19. CANTISANI V, LODISE P, DI COSIMO C, METERE A, CHIESA C, MANCUSO E, DI SEGNI M, FIORAVANTI C, DI ROCCO G, BERNIERI MG, RICCI P, FIERRO G, GIACOMELLI L, ORSOGNA N, REDLER A. (2013). Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma presenting as a thyroid diffuse involvement: report of a case studied with Q-elastographic and acoustic radiation force impulse imaging features. Tumori. 2013 May-Jun;99(3):84e-7e. doi: 10.1700/1334.14810.
20. METERE A, IORIO E, SCORZA G, CAMERINI S, CASELLA M, CRESCENZI M, MINETTI M, PIETRAFORTE D. Carbon Monoxide Signaling in Human Red Blood Cells: Evidence for Pentose Phosphate Pathway Activation and Protein Deglutathionylation. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Aug 2.
21. DI FRANCO M, SPINELLI FR, METERE A, GERARDI MC, CONTI V, BOCCALINI F, IANNUCCELLI C, CICIARELLO F, AGATI L, VALESINI G. (2013). Serum levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine and apelin as potential markers of vascular endothelial dysfunction in early rheumatoid arthritis. Mediators Inflamm. 2012;2012:347268. doi: 10.1155/2012/347268.
22. DI COSIMO C, METERE A, CHIESA C, DI ROCCO G, TRULLI F, PACIARONI A, BATTAGLIA S, REDLER A, FIERRO G, GIACOMELLI L. (2012). Mediastinal Parathyroid Adenoma: a case report. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012 ; 16(6): 845-847.
23. METERE A, CHIESA C, DI COSIMO C, FIERRO G, GIACOMELLI L, PIETRAFORTE D. (2012). A novel approach to study oxidative stress in thyroid disease: a preliminary study. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012 ; 16(5):646-652.
24. METERE A, DI COSIMO C, CHIESA C, ESPOSITO A, GIACOMELLI L, REDLER A. (2012). An unusual subcutaneous breast cancer metastasis in a 86-year-old woman. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012 ; 16(4):562-564.
25. STRAFACE E, MARCHESI A, GAMBARDELLA L, METERE A, TARISSI DE JACOBIS I, VIORA M, GIORDANI L, VILLANI A, DEL PRINCIPE D, MALORNI W, PIETRAFORTE D. (2012). Does oxidative stress play a critical role in cardiovascular complications of Kawasaki disease? Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012 Nov 15;17(10):1441-6. doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.
26. Straface E, Gambardella L, Canali E, Metere A, Gabrielli N, Arcieri R, Mattatelli A, Lista P, Agati L, Malorni W. (2010). P-Selectin as a new gender associated biomarker in patients with metabolic syndrome. Int J Cardiol. 2010 Dec 3;145(3):570-1.
27. Straface E, Gambardella L, Metere A, Marchesi A, Palumbo G, Cortis E, Villani A, Pietraforte D, Viora M, Malorni W, Del Principe D. (2009). Oxidative stress and defective platelet apoptosis in naïve patients with Kawasaki disease. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Feb 12;392(3):426-30.
28. Metere a, iorio e, Pietraforte D, podo f, Minetti M. (2008). Peroxynitrite signaling in human erythrocytes: synergistic role of Hemoglobin oxidation and band 3 tyrosine phosphorylation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2009 Apr 15;484(2):173-82. Review
29. Minetti M, Pietraforte D, Straface E, Metere A, Matarrese P, Malorni W. (2008). Red blood cells as a model to differentiate between direct and indirect oxidation pathways of peroxynitrite. Methods in Enzymology. 2008 vol. 440:253-72. Review
30. Mallozzi C, martire a, Domenici Mr, Metere A, Popoli p, Di Stasi AMM. (2007). L-NAME reverses quinolinic acid-induced toxicity in rat corticostriatal slices: involvement of src family kinases. J Neurosci Res. 2007 Sep; 85(12):2770-7.
31. Pietraforte D, Matarrese P, Straface E, Gambardella L, Metere A, Scorza G, Leto TL, Malorni W, Minetti M. (2007). Two different pathways are involved in peroxynitrite-induced senescence and apoptosis of human erythrocytes. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2007 Jan; 42:202-214.
32. PIETRAFORTE D, CASTELLI M, Metere A, Scorza G, SAMOGGIA P, MENDITTO A. & MINETTI M. (2006). Salivary uric acid at the acidic pH of the stomach is the principal defense against nitrite-derived reactive species: Sparing effects of chlorogenic acid and serum albumin. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2006 Dec; 41:1753–1763.
33. LUCANTONI G, PIETRAFORTE D, MATARRESE P, GAMBARDELLA L, METERE A, PAONE G, BIANCHI EL, STRAFACE E. (2006). The red blood cell as bio-sensor for monitoring oxidative imbalance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an ex vivo and in vitro study. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2006 Jul-Aug; 8(7-8):1171-82.
34. METERE A, MALLOZZI C, MINETTI M, DOMENICI MR, POPOLI P, Di STASI AMM. (2006). Quinolinic acid modulates the activity of src family kinases in rat striatum: in vivo and in vitro studies. Journ. Neurochem. 2006 Jun; 97:1327-1336.
35. NEGRI L, LATTANZI R, GIANNINI E, METERE A, COLUCCI M, BARRA D, KREIL G, MELCHIORRI P. (2002). Nociceptive sensitization by the secretory protein Bv8. Br. J. Pharmacol. 2002 Dec; 137(8):1147-54.
1. DI PIERRO G.B., PETRACCA A., GULIA C., CHIESA C., DI COSIMO C., METERE A., BATTAGLIA S., GRANDE P., PIERGENTILI R., GRANDE P., MANSI S., RISI E., NICOLAZZO C., CRISTINI C. (2012). L’osservazione clinica: una valida alternativa in pazienti anziani con diagnosi di masse renali ed importanti comorbidità associate. Geriatria 2012 Settembre/Ottobre; Vol. XXIV; n. 5, p. 243-246
2. DI PIERRO G.B., PETRACCA A, CHIESA C., GULIA C., PIERGENTILI R., DI COSIMO C., METERE A., BATTAGLIA S., GRANDE P., MANSI S., RISI E., NICOLAZZO C., CRISTINI C. (2011). Active surveillance nel paziente anziano affetto da adenocarcinoma prostatico. Oncologia Geriatrica 2011. Giornale Italiano di Oncologia Geriatrica 2012 Gennaio/Agosto; Vol. 4 n. 1-2, p. 41-43
3. PIETRAFORTE D., STRAFACE E., METERE A., GAMBARDELLA L., GIORDANI L., QUARANTA M.G., CORTIS E., VILLANI A., MARCHESI A., PALUMBO G., DEL PRINCIPE D., VIORA M., MINETTI M. & MALORNI W. (2010). Biochemical and cellular real-time biomarkers of diagnostic and prognostic value in the management of kawasaki’s disease. ISS-NIH collaborative programme on rare disease: reports of the projects, Rome (Italy). Rapporti ISTISAN 2010; 10/02, p.165-166.
4. PIETRAFORTE D., STRAFACE E., METERE A., GAMBARDELLA L., GIORDANI L., CORTIS E., VILLANI A., DEL PRINCIPE D., VIORA M., MINETTI M. & MALORNI W. (2008). Biochemical and cellular real-time biomarkers of diagnostic and prognostic value in the management of kawasaki’s disease. Projects on rare disease funded within the bilateral agreement Italy (ISS) and USA (NIH) on joint research and development of public health actions, October 29-31, Rome (Italy). Rapporti ISTISAN 2008; 08/C10, p.111-112.
5. PIETRAFORTE D., GAMBARDELLA L., ASCIONE B., METERE A., SCORZA G., SCHMIDT G., BIANCHI E.L., LETO T.L., MALORNI W. AND MINETTI M. (2006). Peripheral blood determinants of redox changes in human respiratory diseases: biochemical and pathophysiological evaluation. Rapporti ISTISAN 2006; 06/50, p.220-225.
6. METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D. & MINETTI M. (2006). Antioxidants in food: anti-radicals, or anti-oxidative stress? Polizia Sanitaria 2006 Mar-Apr; 44-58.
METERE A., FREZZOTTI F., GRAVES C., GIACOMELLI L. (2018). A possible role for selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) and thioredoxin reductases (TrxR1) in thyroid cancer: our experience in thyroid surgery. Congresso Congiunto delle Società Scientifiche Italiane di Chirurgia (SIC-ACOI), 14-18 October 2018, Rome (Italy).
METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D., GIACOMELLI L. (2017). A possible role for selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) and thioredoxin reductases (TrxR1) in thyroid cancer: our experience in thyroid surgery. XII National Congress of Club of Italian Endocrine Surgery (U.E.C), XXXIII National Congress of Italian Society for Endocrine Surgery (SIEC), 8-10 June 2017, Bari (Italy).
METERE A., SCORZA G., CASELLA G. (2017). The role of Sleeve Gastrectomy on the redox balance. XII National Congress of Club of Italian Endocrine Surgery (U.E.C), XXXIII National Congress of Italian Society for Endocrine Surgery (SIEC), 8-10 June 2017, Bari (Italy).
METERE A., CASELLA G., GIANNOTTI D., SCORZA G., PIETRAFORTE D., REDLER A. (2015). Oxidative stress and obesity: a key role for sleeve gastrectomy. 117° National Congress of Italian Society for Surgery (SIC), 21-24 October 2015, Milano (Italy).
DI ROCCO G., PATRIZI G., GIANNOTTI D., FEDERICI S., MARCHETTI M., METERE A., REDLER A. (2013). A rare Burkitt’s lymphoma of thyroid: case report and literature review. 115° National Congress of Italian Society for Surgery (SIC), 13-16 October 2013, Rome (Italy).
GIANNOTTI D., CASELLA G., PATRIZI G., DI ROCCO G., METERE A., MARCHETTI M., COLLALTI M., FREZZOTTI F., REDLER A. (2013). Spider surgical system versus multiport laparoscopic surgery: performance comparison on a surgical simulator. 115° National Congress of Italian Society for Surgery (SIC), 13-16 October 2013, Rome (Italy).
DI ROCCO G., GIANNOTTI D., PATRIZI G., CASELLA G., METERE A., COLLALTI M., CASTAGNETO JISSEY L., ROSSARIO CASELLA MARIOLO J., ORKABI R, BERNIERI M.G., REDLER A. (2014). Managment of retrosternal goitre: our experience and literature review. 116° National Congress of Italian Society for Surgery (SIC), 12-15 October 2014, Rome (Italy).
METERE A. (2013). Decision Making In Thyroid Nodules Tir 3. Advanced International Mini Invasive Surgery Course (AIMS Academy), March 20-22, Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda, Milano (Italy).
METERE A., SPINELLI F.R., PIETRAFORTE D., SAMOGGIA P., Salvati B., Capoano R., DI FRANCO M., Boccalini f., De Luca L., STRAFACE E, , MALORNI W° AND AGATI L. (2009). Adma and Apelin two novel biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in vascular surgery: a preliminary study in carotid atherosclerosis. 36th FEBS Congress: “Biochemistry for tomorrow’s medicine”, June 25-30, Torino (Italy). FEBS Journal 2011; 278 (sup. 1) p.288.
SPINELLI F.R., IANNUCCELLI C., CONTI V., GERARDI M.C., METERE A., AGATI L., VALESINI G., DI FRANCO M. (2011). Serum levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine and apelin as potential markers of vascular endothelial dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis. CORA 2011: “Controversies in reumathology and autoimmunity”, March 10-12, Firenze (Italy). Clin Exp Rheumatol 2011; 29(1) p.199.
METERE A., MINETTI M., MATTATELLI A., BERARDI D., CANALI E., STRAFACE E., GAMBARDELLA L, MALORNI W° AND AGATI L (2009). Adma and Apelin two related biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in metabolic syndrome: a gender perspective. SFRR Europe Meeting: “Free radicals, health and lifestyle: from cell signal to disease prevention”, August 26-29, Annual Meeting of the Society of Free Radical Research 2009, Rome (Italy). Free Radic Res 2009; 43 (sup 1) p.S86
IORIO E., METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D., SCORZA G., PODO F., MINETTI M. (2009). Carbon Monoxide Signaling in Human Erythrocytes. Evidence for Membrane-Dependent Activation of Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Protein de-Glutathionylation. ESMRMB 2009 Congress: “26th Annual Scientific Meeting”, October 1-3, Antalya (Turkey). Book of Abstract p.532.
STRAFACE E., GAMBARDELLA L., GABRIELLI N., METERE A., MATTATELLI A., LABBADIA A., CANALI E., AGATI L. & MALORNI W. (2009). Peripheral blood biomarkers of metabolic syndrome: a gender perspective. 34th Congress of Italian Society of Pharmacology SIF, Rimini (RN).
STRAFACE E., GAMBARDELLA L., GABRIELLI N., METERE A., MATTATELLI A., LABBADIA A., CANALI E., AGATI L. & MALORNI W. (2009). To fish out peripheral blood biomarkers of metabolic syndrome in a gender perspective: a pilot study. 34th Congress of Italian Society of Pharmacology SIF, Rimini (RN).
METERE A., IORIO E., PIETRAFORTE D., PODO F. & MINETTI M (2008). Signaling pathways of peroxynitrite in human erythrocytes. Lipid Peroxidation and Free Radical-Signalling: Roles in Pathophysiology. August 30-September 5, Spetses Island, (Greece). Abstract Book p.72
METERE A., IORIO E., PIETRAFORTE D., PODO F. & MINETTI M. (2007). Metabolic and signaling pathways induced by peroxynitrite in human erythrocytes. SFRBM’s 5th Annual Meeting South American Group and 5th International Conference on Peroxynitrite and Reactive Nitrogen Species, Montevideo (Uruguay).
METERE A., IORIO E., PIETRAFORTE D., SCORZA G., PODO F. & MINETTI M. (2007). Role of human erythrocytes in repairing process after oxidative stress by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen. V Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
BARBATI C., METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D., STRAFACE E., MALORNI W. & MINETTI M. (2007). Pulmonary Nitric Oxide (•NO). is exhaled •NO a real-time biomarker of possible use in the clinical practice? V Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
IANNARILLI C., METERE A., SCORZA G., PIETRAFORTE D., & MINETTI M. (2007). Free radicals in the metabolomic era: spin-trapping and immuno-spin-trapping as tools for “radicalomic” of the human erythrocyte”. V Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS.
DI STASI A.M., METERE A., MALLOZZI C., DOMENICI M.R., PEZZOLA A. & POPOLI P. (2006). Quinolinic acid modulates the activity of src family kinases in rat striatum: in vivo and in vitro studies. FENS Forum 2006 Vienna (A). FENS Forum Abstracts, vol. 3, 2006.
METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D., MATARRESE P., STRAFACE P., GAMBARDELLA L., SCORZA G., MALORNI W. & MINETTI M. (2006). Peroxinitrite-induced damage of red blood cells: mechanism selecting between senescence and activation of apoptotic program. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Free radical Biology and Medicine, Denver (Colorado), USA. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2006; 41 (sup. 1), p.S149.
METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D., MATARRESE P., STRAFACE P., GAMBARDELLA L., SCORZA G., MALORNI W. & MINETTI M. (2006). Peroxinitrite-induced damage of red blood cells: mechanism for selecting between senescence and activation of apoptosis. XIII Monothematic Congress of Italian Society of Pharmacology SIF, Urbino (PU).
METERE A., MALLOZZI C., MARTIRE A., DOMENICI M.R., POPOLI P. & DI STASI A.M.M. (2006). L-NAME reverses quinolinic acid-induced toxicity in rat corticostriatal slices: involvement of src family kinases. XIII Monothematic Congress of Italian Society of Pharmacology SIF, Urbino (PU).
PIETRAFORTE D., CASTELLI M., METERE A., SCORZA G., SAMOGGIA P., MENDITTO A. & MINETTI M. (2006). The role of uric acid and nitrite in stomach. IV Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
METERE A., PIETRAFORTE D., MATARRESE P., STRAFACE P., GAMBARDELLA L., SCORZA G., MALORNI W. & MINETTI M. (2006). Peroxynitrite oxidation of RBCs suggests two different roles for ageing and apoptosis. IV Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
DI STASI A.M.M., METERE A., MALLOZZI C., DOMENICI M.R., MINETTI M., POPOLI P. & PETRUCCI T.C. (2006). Oxidative stress neurotoxicity: identification of target proteins involved in cell signalling, in vivo and in vitro studies. IV Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
METERE A., MALLOZZI C., MINETTI M., DOMENICI M.R., POPOPLI P. & Di STASI A.M.M. (2005). Oxidative stress, src kinase and their role in Huntington’s disease. III Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
METERE A., MALLOZZI C., MINETTI M., DOMENICI M.R., POPOLI P. & DI STASI A.M.M. (2005). Effects of Quinolinic acid on src kinase activity in rat striatum: in vivo and in vitro studies. Euroconference “Molecular aspects of aging and development, toxicology and neuro-immune comunications” Barcellona (ES).
MINETTI M., PIETRAFORTE D., MATARRESE P., STRAFACE E., ASCIONE B., METERE A., SCORZA G. & MALORNI W. (2005). CO2 redirects oxidative modifications induced by peroxynitrite on human red blood cells. 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Free radical Biology and Medicine, Austin (TX), USA. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2005; 39 (sup. 1), p.S102-S103.
METERE A., MALLOZZI C., MINETTI M., DOMENICI M.R., POPOPLI P. & Di STASI A.M.M. (2005). In vivo and in vitro modulation of src kinase activity by quinolinic acid in rat striatum. National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience and Joint Italian-Swedish Neuroscience Meeting, Ischia (NA).
CASTELLI M., PERI L., METERE A., SCORZA G., MENDITTO A., SAMOGGIA P., MINETTI M. & PIETRAFORTE D. (2005). Uric acid as the most important "scavenger" of Reactive Nitrogen Species in human saliva. The role of diet. III Congress of Department of Cell Biology and Neurosciences, Italian National Institute of Health ISS, Rome.
METERE A., LATTANZI R., MELCHIORRI P. & NEGRI L. (2002). Cutaneous nociceptor sensitization in rats by the secretory protein Bv8. VII Monothematic Congress of Italian Society of Pharmacology SIF, “Neurochemical and pharmacological aspect of addiction” Capri (NA).
LATTANZI R., GIANNINI E., METERE A., MELCHIORRI P. & NEGRI L. (2002). Bv8: a novel protein regulating the food intake in rats. VII Monothematic Congress of Italian Society of Pharmacology SIF, “Neurochemical and pharmacological aspect of addiction” Capri (NA).
METERE A., LATTANZI R., NEGRI L. & MELCHIORRI P. (2002). Nociceptive sensitization by the secretory protein Bv8. VI Italian National Congress for Ph D student in Pharmacology, Certosa di Pontignano (SI).
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